TEDxBodija Series: Guest Extraordinaire - Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo

                       TEDxBodija Series: Guest Extraordinaire - Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo
                                                              By Isaac Atayero 
            One of the many factors that contributed to the success of the TEDxBodija event was not only the line up of Inspiring speakers but also the attendance of equally Inspiring guests. Those who attended the event can testify to this fact. Those who attended will also testify to the fact that one of the audience members was especially more memorable than the rest. That audience member Is none other than the Incomparable Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo.
        Ms. Olunloyo, known to many as the brain behind the social media news sensation,HNN Africa, Is one of the more notorious and Influential bloggers to emerge from the Nigerian blog scene. With an Impressive following of sixty thousand followers on Twitter, Ms. Olunloyo Is not merely popular. She Is Influential and has a commendable repertoire of professions.She Is an International Journalist, Media/PR Expert, Pharmacist and Victims activist. It would have been an error to have such an accomplished Individual In attendance without acknowledging and or hearing from her. This must be why the organizers of TEDxBodija allowed her to give a short but Impactful presentation.
             Ms. Olunloyo's quick presentation Included a PowerPoint that touched on her many achievements over the years. However, the presentation did not only Include her many accomplishments , It also Included some heartfelt advice. Ms. Olunloyo advised the audience to make sure that they brand themselves online. She urged those In attendance to make sure that they create and own their online presence. She, of course, Is an exemplary of this. She has an account on every notable social media site and a massive following to boot.
         Ms. Olunloyo also advised the audience members to "stop hating". She let the audience know that throughout her career, she has found that many Nigerians have allowed hatred to hinder them from succeeding. She further urged the audience to be more tolerative and open minded. Her presentation was very entertaining and lively. She was vibrant, astonishingly animated and convincing vocal throughout her time on the stage. This Is why there was a collective gasp of surprise amongst the audience when she announced that she was fifty years old. 
         She attended the program with her thirteen year old son, Kayode Joshua, who has been blogging since the age of seven! After the program, she granted the FeelIB team private audience and has been gracious to us on social media ever since. It was truly a pleasure and an honor to meet and learn from Ms. Olunloyo. She Is an Inspiration to us all.

You can find out more about Ms. Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo on www.HNNAfrica.com
You can also visit any of her social media sites : @HNNAfrica on : Twitter/Instagram/Facebook/Pinterest/Soundcloud/Reverbnation/Vine/Tumblr.

Isaac Atayero
FeelIB Writer
Twitter: @TheOfficialAde
Instagram: @theofficialadeoluwa
Tumblr: TheOfficialAdeoluwa.tumblr.com