Rihanna Ruined Jay Z’s Marriage

Rihanna Bikini
Solange knew Jay Z Was Banging Rihanna!!! Oh! This girl is damn bad!
Last week, we learned that Jay Z and Beyonce‘s marriage is pretty much over because he constantly cheats on her, and now comes even more specific information that it’s with Rihanna, so I can’t imagine where it’s all coming from. It’s not like it’s practically a first-hand account. Except, oh wait. Page Six reports:
The source says the elevator fight after the Met Ball was really over Jay’s protégé Rihanna, whom he allegedly planned to meet later that night at his 40/40 club. “Solange was like, ‘Enough is enough — you must be [screwing] Rihanna,’” says the source. “To many people who know them, they know it’s not out of the realm of possibility.”
Okay, maybe it’s not fair to point fingers at Solange when it could just as easily be Gwyneth Paltrow. Who also talks to the police a lot. Is now a good time to mention that?
Photos: INFphoto, Splash News
Source: www.thesuperficial.com